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Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Issue Of Teen Pregnancy - 1082 Words
I suppose no one ever really expects things to happen to them until they actually happen. At least, that’s how I viewed things until I got pregnant with my first and only child at fifteen years old. It’s almost exactly the way they portray it in Hollywood movies and television shows and books. Although, unlike those books and shows, I never lost any friends from this experience. I will say that people are much more understanding nowadays. Still, no one is ever really ready to be a mom, especially at fifteen. Statistics say that seven out of ten girls that get pregnant while still in high school will drop out. Seventy percent of girls will drop out of school. In 2013, 273,105 babies were born to girls aged 15-19. That’s a terrifying number, but teen pregnancy rates are lower than ever before. Being part of the thirty percent that made it through high school, I will say one thing: the reason I made it through all four years (that’s right, there was never a moment of my high school career in which I was never a parent) was because I never saw myself doing anything else. The opportunity for school was always there. I was and still am one of the lucky few that have the opportunity for education, unlike many other countries where girls are condemned from schooling. I always knew I was going to college, and sure enough, I am the first person in my immediate family to attend a four-year university. My mother got pregnant at seventeen years old and had to drop out of high school.Show MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Teen Pregnancy1722 Words  | 7 Pagesestablishing her equality and worth in the eyes of her male counterpart. But although she may have broken many barriers and achieved great accomplishments, there are still some deep rooted issues which continue to affect her in a most insidious manner. One of the issues that women face in the United States is teen pregnancy which is still an enormous problem that needs to be addressed. The rates ar e still higher than they were only a decade ago. Becoming a parent permanently and profoundly alters a teenagerRead MoreThe Issue of Teen Pregnancy1458 Words  | 6 PagesTeen pregnancy The issue of teen pregnancy is a fact that can no longer be overlooked in terms of its magnitude in the society today. Despite the widespread sex education and peer counseling and guidance, there still is a wide prevalence of teen pregnancy, a challenge that does not only affect the teenagers but the society at large. Effects of teen pregnancy The aspect of teen pregnancy is one of the most challenging situations to be in as a young person as it could interrupt flow of schoolRead MoreThe Issue Of Teen Pregnancy Essay1436 Words  | 6 Pagesled to fewer teen births. It is thought to be that when teens tune into the show, they learn to practice safer sex. â€Å"16 and Pregnant†was named one of the best ways to campaign about the issue of teen pregnancy. The show was a way to attack the issue of teen pregnancy head on. Comparing to all fully developed countries, the U.S, has the highest rates of teen pregnancy. This was seen as a major problem to many that was aware of the problem. Even though the number of teen pregnancies was high, thereRead MoreThe Issue Of Teen Pregnancy1391 Words  | 6 Pagesyear. At least sixty percent of pregnancies result in births, thirty percent are abortions, and fifteen percent are miscarriages. About twenty-five percent of teen moms have another child within twenty four months of t heir first kid. Teen pregnancy is a problem in many parts of the world. But the United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate among any other country. Only about fifty percent of teen moms actually graduate high school, and less than two percent of teen moms earn a college degree byRead MoreThe Issue Of Teen Pregnancy1739 Words  | 7 Pagesbaby. In developed countries like the United States of America, Great Britain, Canada, France and Sweden all deal with teenage pregnancies. The only difference between these countries is the percentage of teen pregnancy each country has. Each country has similar methods of birth control, and the only difference is the rate between all five developed countries. Teen pregnancy is a major concern in today’s society; there are many limiting reasons that do not allow people to access contraceptives, andRead MoreTeen Pregnancy : A Social Issue1371 Words  | 6 PagesTeen pregnancy is a very controversial social issue and the vast major ity of Americans consider the outrageous rate of teen pregnancies a severe issue, certainly a problematic occurrence that is believed to be a moral decline in our country. Teenagers are physiologically capable of reproducing but not emotionally or financially prepared to be parents at such a tender age. Through various research studies a plethora of determinants has pin pointed teens unprecedented pregnancies. One cause of thisRead MoreTeen Pregnancy Is A Serious Issue982 Words  | 4 PagesThe social issue I will be addressing throughout my paper is teen pregnancy. The term teen pregnancy is referring to teens between the ages of 13-19 who become pregnant (Akella Jordan, 2015). Despite the fact that teen pregnancy rates have dropped within the past twenty years, United States continues to have the highest rates of teen pregnancy in comparison to all other developed nations ( Akella Jordan, 2015). Teen pregnancy is a serious issue for a multiplicity of reasons. A teenager w ho hasRead MoreControlling the Issue of Teen Pregnancy635 Words  | 3 PagesTeen pregnancy is a problem that is plaguing the U.S., as well as other countries. This social problem affects teens of every ethnic and economic background. Before we discuss what some organizations are doing to help, let’s look at some of statistics surrounding teen pregnancy. Even though this is a serious problem, the good news is that teen birth rates in the United States have dropped almost continuously since the early 1990s  including a six percent drop from 2011 to 2012  further decreasingRead MoreThe Social Issue Regarding Teen Pregnancy756 Words  | 4 PagesPurpose: The social issue regarding teen pregnancy is still very prevalent in the United States. Teen pregnancy is a huge issue because it is known to have a negative effect on the mother and most importantly the child. An initial study was conducted on two teenage mothers prior to having their child. The researcher wanted to further investigate the same population for a better understanding of teenage motherhood. The purpose of case study was to examine the perceptions of two adolescent mothersRead MoreTeen Pregnancy Is Becoming More Of An Issue992 Words  | 4 PagesTeen pregnancy is becoming more of an issue in young Americans nowadays as we are the generation starting this we must attempt to slow down the process. Pregnancy is the period from conception to birth. After the egg is fertilized by a sperm and then implanted in the lining of the uterus later developing into a placenta and embryo to become a fetus and grow (the free dictionary). The miracle of life; teens seem to be experiencing this way to early on in life; Statistics show that in 2013 a total
Monday, December 16, 2019
What is Suicide and Why Does It Occur - 1142 Words
â€Å"Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.†Phil Donahue said these words, hoping to send a message; a message that suicide is a temporary and irreparable solution to an otherwise less than unmanageable problem. Suicide continues to be a phenomenon that no one fully understands. The rise of suicide can be directly interpreted by its precursors and their validity in newer generations such as adolescents in a time and society such as this. Suicide has moved from the realm of total taboo to a topic of increasing interest and concern for ail. Suicide, as a means of ending ones life, is not an accepted way to die in western culture. Some researchers have alluded that it may be normal for someone to use suicide as a means of†¦show more content†¦This integration is constantly being guided by family and societal rules. If these tasks are not fully completed, then Erikson suggests that that individual will experience a psychosocial crisis. A psychosocial cr isis is a person’s efforts to adjust to the demands of the social. environment at each stage of development. These demands are usually guidelines and expectations of behavior made by family and society. Meeting these demands may call for more self control or more skill development. For sorne individuals, the demands lead to tension, which is what Erikson refers to as a crisis. The word crisis is normal set of stresses and strains, rather than an extraordinary range of events (Newman Newman 1984, p.31). These eight stages of development include: Autonomy from parents, physical maturity, sex-role identity, integrated morality, career choice, formal operations, emotional development, and membership in peer groups. A person may have been receiving subtle messages that they are unwanted and expendable. These feelings of being unwanted can escalate during adolescence, and the messages received can foster suicide attempts. It is easy to see how this added dimension can further cloud existing issues, especially as the adolescent and parents are striving for the eventual separation that is to occur. Parents. This occurs not only because there may be only one parent available, they feel, but becauseShow MoreRelatedAssisted Suicide Should Be Legal909 Words  | 4 Pages The Suicide Debate Does a suffering person have the right to end their own life? That is the main debate behind assisted suicide. Assisted suicide is a very secretive, but surprisingly available option for people who are suffering. The documentary The Suicide Plan is largely presented from the point of view of the people who believe assisted suicide should be legal. The documentary takes us inside the hidden world of assisted suicide, as seen through the eyes of the people considering it. AssistedRead MoreA Way Out: Suicide Essay1703 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Suicide does not end the chances of life getting worse, suicide eliminates the chance of it getting better,†said tumblr.com. Suicide is the act of taking of your life on purpose, and people in the United States, from the age of 10 to 65, have been committing suicide since the mid 1900’s. The rich and the famous go through suicidal thoughts and sometimes put it into their work; this process has been going on for decades. Committin g suicide is a person trying to escape the pain and aloneness thatRead MoreBullying in Todays Society Essay1252 Words  | 6 PagesBullying In Today#8217;s World. Approximately 12, 8-10 year old children commit suicide every year because they are victims of bullying. Whereas 1.3 million children a year bully others. What is bullying? As defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, one who hurts or intimidates others. This assault may occur in two principle forms, verbal or physical. There are specific reasons why bullying happens and specific solutions that could help save as many as 12 lives a year. BullyingRead MorePersuasive Essay On Suicide1622 Words  | 7 Pageshealth states, â€Å"Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for people from 15 to 24 years old. On a average, 1 person commits suicide every 16.2 minutes. That one suicide could affect other people.†Suicide takes its toll on people when it comes to certain things like depression, loneliness, or peer pressure(bullying). Suicide is one of the highest causes of death because so many think that is a way to get out of certain things or when they feel like they should just give up. Suicide could be preventedRead MoreDystopian Society In 2 B R 0 B1232 Words  | 5 Pagesbeen cured, creating a utopia in concept; however, upon closer inspection, the society is a dystopian society driven by suicide. In current times, suicide is a plague that science is attempting to help bring down; however, in â€Å"2 B R 0 2 B,†suicide is the only way to allow a newborn child to survive, a national department was created, and people became willfully ignorant of what occurs in the department. Through this dreary image of a society, one character gives insight to the true nature- the painterRead MoreTeens that Commit Suicide Are Not Selfish1080 Words  | 4 Pagesa teen, we stumble upon different issues that are overbearing and stressful. One of the major problems is teenage suicide. Teenage suicide is slowly arising, and is becoming more serious year after year. â€Å"Suicide is the third leading cause of death for teens†(†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦). As a result, it is progressively important on how we handle suicide, the major affects it causes, and understanding why teens choose to take that pathway. The teenage years are one of the roughest years to face. You go through bullyingRead MoreAssisted Suicide Should Be Legal1130 Words  | 5 PagesDoes a suffering person have the right to end their own life? That is the main debate behind assisted suicide. Assisted suicide is a ve ry secret, but surprisingly available option for suffering people. The documentary The Suicide Plan focuses on the people who believe assisted suicide should be legal. The documentary takes us inside the hidden world of assisted suicide, as seen through the eyes of the people considering it. Assisted suicide is only legal for terminally ill patients in Oregon andRead MoreThe Construction Of The War On Terrorism1103 Words  | 5 Pagesor threatened use of force against civilians to provoke political or social change. Shared elements of terrorism also include that it is political in nature or intent, its perpetrators are non state actors, and its targets are noncombatants. In â€Å"What Is Terrorism?,†terrorism expert, Bruce Hoffman notes that the acts of terrorism began over 2,000 years ago. In the past, any violence that was perpetrated by an individual on the behalf of an existing organizational entity or movement with an identifiableRead MoreBullied to Death in School Essay625 Words  | 3 Pagescommitting suicide in the past year alone. --- Bullied to Death in Americas Schools - ABC News - Oct 15, 2010      Approximately twelve, 8-10 year old children commit suicide every year because they are victims of bullying. Whereas 1.3 million children a year bully others. What is bullying? As defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a bully is one who hurts or intimidates others. This assault may occur in two principle forms, verbal or physical. There are specific reasons why bullyingRead MoreThe Between China And China736 Words  | 3 PagesIntroduction From January 23rd, 2010 till now, there are over 30 similar suicides happen in Mainland, China. Even in the January, 2010, there were 13 labours jumped from the residence to kill themselves. All the victims were the workers that worked for the technology company called FIH Mobile Limited which was known as Foxconn International Holdings Limited before they died. It brought the whole society to concern about what was happened in the Taiwan technology company. Then it was found out that
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Organizational Change Management Activities †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Organizational Change Management Activities. Answer: Introduction The purpose of this task is to provide a brief overview about thechange management activities prevailing in the organization. Further it talks about the factors driving thechange management activities in an organization. Change is the only constant factor in the organization which occurs to help organizations succeed in their business process. Some of the change management models are also described in the task which tells about the use and implication of change in an organization. Further it is not necessary that all organizations will apply and adopt thechange management techniques easily, sometimes the management also resist to such changes resulting which, the organization lacks competence in the competitive market (Bogers, West 2012). So the task explains the resistance to changes process in the organization and recommends that how organizations shall overcome such resistance. Further details about thechange management process in an organization are discussed below: Change management According to Burnes (2012), change management refers to the process of changing the organizations current working business model into a model which use innovation and achieve the future objective efficiently. The author also believes that initiation of this process in the workplace management is a difficult task like the managers needs to initially build up a blue print and a plan which they shall follow in order too successfully initiate change management activities in an organization. Thus, it shall be noted that Burnes and Oswick (2011), says that the process of change management shall restructure the organizations business process and culture so as to create an effect of the external environment. But some of the authors see change management as an easy task which is the requirement of the process of the organization. They believe that without the process of change management organization perform work but inefficiency is not developed so with the help of change management they perceive what they want. Thus, this is a simple way to drive the positive results in the way of the organization. Factor driving change Change management is only possible in the organization if there comes some unseen liability or new requirement in their regular work to which they are unable to adjust. Resulting to which, the company needs to initiate and implement the change management in the organization. So the internal and external factors which drive change management in an organization are discussed below: Competition: Competition is one of the most important factors due to which all organizations face the process of change in their organization. So, it shall be said that competition is the factor which drives change in the organization. The entrance of new competitors in the market forces the existing players in the target market to change their marketing strategy. As competition is a risk for all the organization as it can eliminate any organization and reduce its growth in the market. So, in order to be in the competition and maintain their competence in the market it becomes necessary for the companies to initiate change management practices in their process (Carter, et. al., 2013). Technology: another factor which drives change management practices in an organization is the technology implementation in the industry. Innovation in the technology forces the organizations to change their out dated technology and adopt the new and efficient technology which can help them to gain success in the target market. Further it shall be noted that technology is one way for the organizations which can help them to remain in the competition and differentiation them in the target market. So, in case if the competitor comes up with more innovative technology, then the other company fears of replacement. So, resulting to which technology has become one of the factor which drives change management in an organization (Pugh 2016). Governmental Regulation: government regulation is the factor which changes the features and working process of all organizations present in the industry. Government regulations are present in external environment which affects the working of all the organizations present in the industry. Depending on the data acquired by the government, they can any time change the legislations and regulation; in accordance to which it is compulsory for the organizations to change their managerial activities as well. Innovation: All organization wants to achieve competence in the target market and create an identified position in the market. So, for that purpose they implement creativity and innovation in their business process which is regarded as change management in the organization. Change occur which business process changes its working to get better outcomes. So, organizations use innovation as change management to produce better results in the external environment (George 2016). Change Management Models There are many theories and models used in an organization which aims to initiate change management in their business process. Further some of the change management theories are discussed below: Thurley Model of Change: The model was defined by K. Thurley under which the researchers gave five major tactics to the companies worldwide to initiate change in the organizational process. Further the strategic changes are discussed below: Directive: This strategy of Thurley model denotes the obligations which the company receives to make changes in the crucial times when all the programs defined by the organization fail. Bargained: Further the bargained approach under this model shows the view that the power of the management is shared between the employee and employer in the organization. Also some negotiations are always required in such changes as well. Hearts and minds: This process refers to the change in the attitude and thinking of manpower present in the company. This type of approach looks for the positive reply from the employees of the company. Thus, with this process the organization aims to achieve the defined target as well. Analytical: Under this approach, the organization needs to plan and implement the changes in the organization first and then move on the subsequent stages. Firstly the organization needs to create a blue print of the defined plan and then analyze the possible results of the approach (Kim 2015). Action-based: This phase of the strategy looks for the way through which the leaders implement the actions of change management in the organization through analytical and theoretical model of change management. Lewins Force Field Analysis: This model was developed by Kurt Lewin in the year 1947. This model is called three step model and the three phase of the Lewins model is discussed below: Unfreezing: it refers to the process leaving the old and traditional laws which bars the growth of the company. This aspect aims to the wider the thinking skills of the employees of the organization and makes them capable to adapt new and innovative changes. The leaders of the organization shall help the employees to come forward and accept the innovation present in the organization. Thus, basically main aim of this task is to change the mindset of the employees of the organization against different aspects present. Change: transition or change refers to the step under which new ideas and creative thinking skills are learned and used by the people present in the management. This phase includes the actual changing process initiated in the organization. The employees aim to perform the functions according to the changes initiated in the organization and act with full solidarity in all case. Refreezing: refreezing refers to the process under which the employees shall understanding and use it in action, the activities which are taught by the higher authority of the managerial team (Shirey 2013). Furthermore talking about suitability of different models in the organization, it shall be noted that the organization uses such approaches depending upon change which they want to implement in workplace. In more precise manner it shall be noted that the Thurley model is majorly used in organizations when they need to change the whole structure of the organization. To make all elements present in the management acceptable towards the changes, this approach is used. Whereas, in case of the Lewins model, it is majorly used when the organization wants to make changes in one specified department of the company so they unfreeze that department and initiate changes and freeze it. Thus, depending upon the change and suitability the organization makes use of such models. Resistance to change There is a well-known saying which states that occurrence of change in an organization is not the problem but resistance to change is a major problem caused inn organizations. Resistance to change refers to the rigidity of the organizations to adopt and implement activities which includes change in the organization. If the workforce present in the organization in not flexible and welcoming towards innovation then it becomes difficult for them develop change in the organization (Shimoni 2017). Further it shall be noted that resistance to change is an initiative taken by the individuals or groups when they feel that a change is going to occur in their workplace environment. There are many factors due to which the employees resist to change happening in the organization, maybe they fear of losing their power in the organization or they do not have efficient knowledge to adopt the innovative changes happening in the organization. Also there is all type of people present in the organization, some might look at this change as a positive aspect and other might not. But it depends upon the capabilities of the managers to satisfy all the employees in the organization and ask them to implement the change management practices in the organization (Ouma 2017). Importance of Change Management Considering to the above statement the fact is understood that change management is an important aspect which shall be initiated by the employees in the organization. Further the important of such change in an organization is discussed below: Reduction in cost: With the implementation of innovative and creative ideas in the organization, the management tends to reduce the cost implied in the organization. With the use of such practice the organization eliminates the areas which incur heavy cost resulting to which, the company receives more profits and less expenses. Innovation: innovation is the biggest aspect which an organization attains with the initiation of change management process in the organization. This tool is utilized in the organization with the help of change management process only. Also change management process eliminates the traditional methods and helps the organization to use new and innovative trends present in the market (Hayes 2014). Decrease in resistance: resistance is an aspect related to change management which reduces the growth of the organization in the global context. As this process stops the organization from implementing changes in their internal management, due to which the company lacks the pace in the international market and falls behind in the competition. Resulting to which, with the help of the process of change management in the organization the employees become flexible to adopt such changes and become habitual to that. Also it shall be noted that with the help of this process the employees increases their efficiency to work as well (Langley, et.al., 2013). Conclusion and Recommendation Thus, in the limelight of above mentioned events the facts that shall be noted are that all the organizations in todays world need to implement the change management process in the organization. This process helps the organizations to become competent in the target market so that they can effectively compete in the market. The above mentioned task discusses about the change management theories and its implication in the internal process of the organization. Further the task justifies to the requirements of the task and explains the importance of change management implications in an organization. Further there are few recommendations which shall be used by organizations to improve the efficiencies in a better way which is discussed below: Plan: In order to initiate a plan initially the organization shall implement a plan on the basis of which they shall aim to implement changes in the organization. A Valid vision and mission shall be implemented by the managers in the organization. Communication: Further communication of the planned task shall be implemented in the organization. Communication will help the employees to talk about their issues and resolve them effectively in the organization. Further communication will also help the mangers to initiate the change management plan effectively. Also the managers shall communicate the plan in simple words so that it is understandable by all. Further after which the superiors shall monitor the activities and then communicate the scope of changes as well. Motivate: Motivation is one of the most important aspect with the help of which employees can focus and accomplish their change management objective in the organization. If the manger would motivate the employees then they would become more efficient to initiate changes in the organization. References Bogers, M. West, J., 2012. Managing distributed innovation: Strategic utilization of open and user innovation. Creativity and innovation management, 21(1), pp.61-75. Burke, W.W., 2017. Organization change: Theory and practice. Sage Publications. By, R.T., Burnes, B. Oswick, C., 2011. Change management: The road ahead. Journal of Change Management, 11(1), pp.1-6. Carter, M.Z., Armenakis, A.A., Feild, H.S. Mossholder, K.W., 2013. Transformational leadership, relationship quality, and employee performance during continuous incremental organizational change.Journal of Organizational Behavior,34(7), pp.942-958. George, B.U.C.?.?.A., 2016. Organizational Change Management: Part Of The Management Strategy. Revista Economic?, 68(5). Hayes, J., 2014.The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave Macmillan. Kim, T., 2015. Diffusion of changes in organizations.Journal of Organizational Change Management,28(1), pp.134-152. Langley, A., Smallman, C., Tsoukas, H. Van de Ven, A.H., 2013. Process studies of change in organization and management: Unveiling temporality, activity, and flow. Academy of Management Journal, 56(1), pp.1-13. Ouma, C.A., 2017. Planning for Organizational Change and the Role of Leadership in Implementing Change. Pugh, L., 2016. Change management in information services. Routledge. Shimoni, B., 2017. What is Resistance to Change? a habitus oriented approach. The Academy of Management Perspectives, pp.amp-2016. Shirey, M.R., 2013. Lewins theory of planned change as a strategic resource. Journal of Nursing Administration, 43(2), pp.69-72.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Young Goodman Brown Essay Essays - Young Goodman Brown
Young Goodman Brown Essay What is blind Faith? Faith is accepting what you are taught or told without trying to prove or disprove it, rather than discovering it through experience. Atheism suggests that those who believe in God have blind faith-and they do. It has not been proven that God exists; similarly, it has not been proven that humans are kind, honest, and good by nature. Young Goodman Brown is a character in "Young Goodman Brown," who leaves his known world in Salem village and travels an unknown road in a dark forest in the middle of the night, a common motif in literature better known as the Hero's journey, and is faced withobstacles. He must decide if he will carry his journey out till the end, or turn back and not learn the truth about himself and other humans. The story "Young Goodman Brown," by Nathaniel Hawthorne traces Young Goodman Brown's experiences, physical and psychological, paralleling the Hero's Journey and showing how he discovers that humans are truly evil by nature; therefore, altering his views of other humans and life itself. In the beginning of the story, Goodman Brown is faced with a decision to stay home with his wife another night or to take off on his journey. This parallels his psychological decision to leave behind all that he knew to be true up until that point and discover the truth no matter how harsh it may be. The call, from the Hero's journey, is when Goodman Brown decides to go out alone to discover himself. Faith, his wife, is urging him to stay with her instead of leaving that night. She almost convinces Brown to stay, but his desire to discover himself overpowers his desire to stay with Faith. The struggle going on inside of Goodman Brown's head is really between remaining innocent and having blind faith in the nature of man or embarking on the journey to discover his true self, no matter what that may be. The threshold, or jumping off point for Brown, is when he has made his final decision to ignore his wife's pleas and take his journey. It is ironic when Faith finally lets him go and says, "Then God bless you! ?and may you find all well when you come back" (pg. 87). He is only gone one night and nothing substantial changes in Salem village while he is gone, but since he is so dramatically changed emotionally during his excursion, he remains sad and distrustful for the rest of his life, due to knowing the truth about human nature. Young Goodman Brown must leave behind his known world, Salem village, and enter an unknown world, the forest, to face challenges he must be capable of overcoming. Allegorically, he embarks on a psychological and spiritual odyssey. Entering an unknown territory is scary and puts a person at a much higher physical and emotional risk. "There may be a devlish Indian behind every tree" shows how insecure Young Goodman Brown is in the forest because he is exposing himself to danger, which in this case, is evil itself (pg. 88). He must stay strong and overcome his weaknesses to get past his biggest fears and continue his Hero's journey. Goodman Brown is tempted to turn around and go home, but he sticks it out, and continues onward. Goodman Brown remarks, "What if the devil himself should be at my very elbow!" just before noticing a man, similar in appearance to himself, sitting under a tree (pg. 88). This man speaks as if he was expecting Brown although Brown is a little shocked to see him. He represents the previously unrecognized evil nature of Young Goodman Brown, possibly the devil himself. Although Goodman Brown is reluctant to continue, this man convinces him to go just a little further. Goodman Brown tries to explain why he wishes to turn back by saying, "My father never went into the woods on such an errand, nor his father before him. We have been a race of honest men and good Christians?" (pg. 89). The man replies that he has walked this road with all Brown's ancestors before, and therefore, convinces Brown to continue the path. Also, the man must explain that even people who appear dignified and honorable such as the minister, have taken the path. Young Goodman Brown comes across Goody Cloyce who taught him his catechism in youth, as well as the minister and Deacon Gookin who were his spiritual and moral advisors. Seeing them on the same path was
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