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Biceps Tendon Rupture With Post-employable Complications Locomotor PBL Experiment Writeup Presentation In this PBL, we watch an ins...
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Implement an Information System for SMARTS
Implement an Information System for SMARTS 1 Introduction Purpose of Document The purpose of this document is the outline the specification to implement an Information System for SMARTS. This document details the process of moving from the current system to the proposed system that was developed in addition to migrating data, also to plan for the implementation of a Help Desk to be available to staff through a Service Level Agreement. Scope In Scope Out of Scope Plan Installation of FROSTIE and SCIMITAR Integration with Surbiton Workshop Installation of FROSTIE and SCIMITAR Recruiting Staff for Help Desk Data Migration Analysis, Design and Coding of the System Staff Training Installing and Configuring the Networks End User support for FROSTIE and SCIMITAR Installation of Network Servers End User support all other Information Systems Software installation and configuration of Web Browser (Internet Explorer) 2 Installation 2.1 Deployment Plan We are planning to do a combination of Phased Geographic Deployment plan and Phased Modules plan for SCIMITAR and FROSTIE systems, this plan enables the deployment of the new system into different phases for each workshop, the 1st workshop being the Bow in east London, then Stanmore in north London then lastly will be Streatham in south London and Modules can be installed on an incremental approach. SCIMITAR and FROSTIE will be installed on the Application Server and each workstation will be configured to access them through a Web Browser, each machine in the network will require the exact same browser to minimize the risk of user confusion. The Head office will be the first point of installation and then the other two workshops will come in after. 2.2 Data Migration Data must be migrated from various forms, most of which is from Databases from the current digital systems and some data is from current paper based system databases. All stocked items must be checked and verified by the staff before the data is Migrated to ensure correct entry of data into the new system. The data that is part of the digital databases can be converted to the new system through a software program that is specialized in ETL (Extraction, Transformation, Loading) to the new system. Staff will also be selected to have authority over selected data to be migrated to the new system. Data that will be processed is as follows; Data Date SCIMITAR FROSTIE Conversion Responsibility Clients √ ETL Admin Fabric √ √ ETL Admin Fees √ ETL Admin Jobs √ Manual Admin Patterns √ √ Manual Admin POs √ Manual Admin Stock Cat. √ √ ETL Admin Stock Qty √ Manual / ETL Admin Suppliers √ Manual Admin Tailors √ √ ETL Tailors The Data Migration will commence three weeks to two weeks ahead of the new systems going live. 2.3 Training Who What to Train On How to Train Where to Train Senior Users DFDs Complete Overview Classroom Training Head office NISS Staff Complete Overview On the Job Training Head office Managers Complete Overview Train the Trainers Head office Executives DFDs One on One Training Head office Training is planned to take place one week before the new system goes live. 2.4 Business Change Issues Issues will arise if the business continuity is compromised. SMARTS business hours cannot be stopped to perform installation, if this happens, this can result in loss of Business, loss of Customers, Loss of goodwill and Loss of Cash Flow. Databases may become corrupt and data may become unreadable, causing the business significant losses. Issues can arise internally by employees fearing that their patterns of work may change and may think that their jobs may be at risk, employees may think that they may have additional responsibilities and roles to fulfill and may not get salary compensation for the additional tasks. Employees can get intimidated by the new system that will be used and hence cause them to have a higher risk of making mistakes and entering errors. Staff may deny the need to get training because of their normal work schedules. The new system is not perfect and a flaw in the system that was not initially detected can have a fatal effect after installation. 3 Support 3.1 Support Needs All users of the SCIMITAR and FROSTIE systems at SMARTS will have access to the Support Services, the service will be scheduled to have full working time at the same time of SMARTS business hours which is between the hours of 9:00 and 18:00 Monday to Friday, 9:30 to 17:30 on Saturdays, closed on Sundays and UK Bank Holidays. 3.2 The NISS Help Desk The model that will be used for the NISS help desk will be the Touch and Hold Support Model, and employ the Three Level Structure where the First Level is the Front-Line staff, this is where your calls will be initially answered and resolved, the Second Level is the Back-End Staff, this is when the issue requires special expertise within the issue. Lately, the Third Level is Draper Consulting Limited (DCL), there the user can get expert help on the issue and can give feedback on any bugs in the system of give suggestions about improving the system further. The NISS help desk office department will be held in the Head office, so the normal working hours of the Head Office will dictate the hours of the NISS staff.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Homelessness in America Essay
Tonight alone, twenty-three percent of citizens in the United States will become homeless. Ninety-four percent of people living on the streets are single adults, four percent are part of families and two percent are unaccompanied runaway minors. The homeless shelters begin filling, therefore beginning to cause a slight problem, services in the shelters will worsen. The homeless are being slowing exiled from society, creating division in the social class structure between the low-income class and the homeless class (Homelessness in America). The homeless struggle in surviving economical and physically, and with the declining of useful services in the shelters due to the overcrowding, the homeless community is incapable of reestablishing in society. The homeless and the shelters require an increasing amount of useful services in order to assist homeless citizens’ into reentering society once again. The controversial idea for improving services amongst homeless shelters continues in turmoil. Society, excluding the homeless, views the homeless as wasteful citizens of the United States, again exiling them from society (A Nation in Denial: The Truth about Homelessness). They see them as good for nothing, drug addicted people who are too lazy to actually apply themselves and work. Many Americans feel this way towards homeless communities; however, many homeless are out on the streets due to loss of job, being non-financially stable, and due to mental and/or physical disabilities. Homeless people are view upon and discriminated against in such a negative fashion, abating homeless peoples chances of receiving the proper support in order to responsibly take action and reenter society as a working citizen (Homelessness: Whose problem is it?). Americans’ judging a single homeless person based on the America’s judgments’ of the homeless community is ignorant. I personally view each homeless people as an individual who needs assistance, needs the extra encouragement to be able to support them self, one who needs a higher quality of services provided for them in the shelters. If we, as a nation, help out the homeless shelters by giving them better services, each homeless citizen will be able to rejoin society and feel a sense of pride for themselves once and for all, if not, they will all die. Bettering the services in the shelters helps tremendously for the homeless community. Peoples’ largess allows encouragement to flow through the homeless citizens, thus setting up a plan for them to rejoin society once and for all. Helping the homeless shelters helps the homeless, not only for themselves, but helps the nation. Assisting homeless people back into society allows for a larger working class, opens many different job opportunities and strengths the economy by making more money. Although hundreds of the millions of homeless people who want support in order to restart their lives, a great amount of the homeless do not want help, they do not want to rejoin society again, â€Å"I enjoy being homeless!†(Voices from the Street). The homeless refuse to enter society, having to work in order to better themselves. Only about fifteen percent of the homeless in the shelters feel this way because of their drug addiction. In fact, few homeless people are out on the streets due to drug addiction. They plan to gain sympathy from society by pleading for loose change, in which that loose change that they say is for a meal, is in fact used to support their drug addiction. Despite the percentage of homeless people who do not want help; this is why the shelters want greater services. The homeless who say they do not want help are the ones who need it the most and without the proper services, homelessness will continue to grow in astonishing numbers (Homeless Rates in U .S. Held Level Amid Recession). Homeless shelters should be able to have an upgrade of their services to help the homeless; otherwise, the homeless struggling in the streets will never be able to call a place their home. In America, homelessness is an increasing problem in our great nation. Each and every day, large amounts of citizens’ fall under the homeless class, over filling each homeless shelter the country has to offer. Not owning the proper services to help each homeless person in the shelters to be able to reenter society to better them continues the growing problem of homelessness. Why not offer the homeless better services? I believe that every shelter, in order to end homelessness, should obtain an upgrade of their services, but without the help of the nation, the homelessness issue will continue and the homeless will never have a chance to reestablish themselves in society again.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Pros of Electronic Communication
Electronic communication was discovered in 1998. Electronic communication is used for the transfer of data, images, signals, signs, etc. through wire, electromagnetic, radio, photoelectronic or photo-optical system. With its growing popularity people have started communicating via email. Electronic communication is not only a new tool but also a new way of communication. This has led to a change in the culture. Below mentioned are advantages and disadvantages of electronic communication. Pros of Electronic Communication The benefits of electronic communication is that people across the world can share televised pictures, conversations, graphics, circuits and interactive softwares. The interaction between people residing in different geographical locations have increased and have become promiscuous. The conversations are more visual and textual. This is helpful mainly for hearing impaired people. With electronic communication, the recipient receives the message within a few seconds of the sender sending it. The recipient can read the message anytime, anywhere according to his convenience. The speed of conversation has increased and this has resulted in faster processing of important matters related to business, finance, trade, etc. For example, you can instantly access the information present in your computer. As there are no restrictions about time and place, people can sit at home and do their office work if the required resources are available. This work arrangement is termed as telecommuting. The communicated messages can be stored permanently or temporarily on disks or tapes for years or can even be printed and stored in files. The process of learning has become simple and efficient as the information can be archived and retrieved according to the requirement. Since the communication does not take place via hard copies, money spent for paper, printing and postal deliveries is saved. After the mail is delivered to the receiver, it is placed safely in the hard disk of the receiver's computer. After the receiver retrieves the mail, it is his responsibility to keep it safely. Cons of Electronic Communication The main issue with electronic communication is security. Your computer can be hacked and affected with computer virus. This can have an adverse effect on the computer system and the network. The volume of transmitted data is large and the transmission is fast. Hence, it becomes difficult for employers and managers to absorb, process and understand it and provide proper feedbacks to their employees. The speed with which the messages are transmitted often changes the structure of the messages, which at times can be misinterpreted. Electronic data can be duplicated identically without any proof of duplication. These messages can also be modified. At times, people can intentionally send malicious programs like viruses, worms and Trojans through emails, which is difficult to detect. Another disadvantage of electronic communication is email privacy issues. An email is sent in the form of data packets via computer network. These data packets have to pass through a number of routers (a computer device used for forwarding packets in the computer network) and computers before it reaches its destination. So, there are chances of an individual tampering the emails before it reaches its recipient. While the data packets are transferred from one computer system to another, they can be lost when one router transfers it to another. If the router is bombarded with more number of data packets than its carrying capacity, the receiver can experience a delay in receiving it. The ‘from message header' of a message can be modified, which hampers the authenticity. Almost all technologies in this world have their pros and cons. Similarly, there exist advantages and disadvantages of electronic communication as well. In-spite of its disadvantages, most of us depend on electronic communication for our everyday work as it has become an integral part of our lives.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
William Shakespeare s The Taming Of The Shrew And Of...
When William Shakespeare and Aeschylus create purpose, they create it in a direct manner. Executing it with carefully chosen language, Shakespeare and Aeschylus implement multiple layers to construct meaning and multiple interpretations. Without alienating the audience and regardless of it’s controversial theme’s, both text’s were at a time developed when devoted leaders condemned the idea of Eve and praised the Virgin Mary, Neoclassical scholars welcome the idea of feminism, reversed gender roles, and that women could be the dominant domain. The everyday couple would settle and incorporate pieces of the popular ideas of societies hierarchy of the male position, masculinity over ruled femininity, which was embedded in a tradition constructed society. This essay seeks to create an understanding of the symbolic characters of Katherina in Shakespeare’s ‘The Taming of The Shrew’ and of Clytemnestra in Aeschylus’s ‘Agamemnon’. By exploring both texts in conjunction, it comes to attention that both female characters play masculine roles to be able to achieve their dominance stance. Both women not only revel the real life female, but also depicts to the audience the double bind due to the patriarchal world they live in. This essay will show how both characters use their actions as well as their words as an opportunity, yet becoming problematic due to the idea of ‘a mans world’. In the context of the play, rather then ignoring the problematic elements, Anne Barton (1997)
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