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Biceps Tendon Rupture With Post-employable Complications Locomotor PBL Experiment Writeup Presentation In this PBL, we watch an ins...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Importance of Epidural Analgesia in the Management of Pain in Postoperative Patients Free Essay Example, 3000 words
Perception is the process through which harmful stimuli get to consciousness in the human brain (Bressler, 2010). Perception takes two shapes in the human brain; attention and cognition. With regard to attention, Mr Johnston can reduce the level of his pain by concentrating on a separate image other than his condition (Motoc Vasca, 2010). The cognitive aspect of pain, on the other hand, would be anchored on Mr Johnston s ability to relate his pain to another event. As an illustration, a setting of depression is likely to make Mr Johnston s pain more severe compared to when he can be in a pleasant environment (Mathsen Smith, 2007). The postoperative pain of Mr Johnstone has made him suffer from a number of adverse effects ranging from urinary, cardiovascular, and pulmonary dysfunction. The body of Mr Johnson s response to pain is the root of all these harmful effects. Ideally, the pain and stress associated with surgery trigger regular and distinct metabolic response that includes the release of cytokines and neuroendocrine hormones that culminates in these toxic effects (Almeida et al, 2011). Stress, in particular, has far-reaching consequences on surgical patients; it raises the level of active catabolic hormones, glucagon, growth hormone, and adrenocorticotropin. We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of Epidural Analgesia in the Management of Pain in Postoperative Patients or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Such inhibition by these muscles causes retention of urine and subsequently, the urinary tract is infected. Clearly, these complications have resulted in Mr Johnston being subjected to an indwelling catheter (Mathsen Smith, 2007). Johnston s heart rate is indicated as HR 62 regular. Although it is regular, it is clearly below that of a normal person, which is HR 72 regular.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
A Brief Note On Fraud And Small Businesses - 1565 Words
Victims - Fraud in Small Businesses, 2016). Both large and small companies require a certain amount of protection from fraudulent acts. To be naive in thinking that fraud would never occur within a company would be reckless. There are three key objectives when operating a business, whether large or small. These objectives include prevention, detection, and response, and should be implemented into every companies operations. When exploring preventative techniques, there a seven recommendations made by professionals to reduce the most often seen attacks of small business fraud and cybercrime. Most importantly a company should protect their assets, specifically their credit cards and bank accounts. Credit cards and bank accounts is a common source of fraud and should be recognized as the most important advice to adhere to (Beesley, 2013, para. 5).Professionals recommend â€Å"separating your personal banking and credit cards from your business accounts – this will ensure fraudsters don’t get their hands on all your money. This will also make it easier to track your business expenses and report deductions on your tax return†(Beesley, 2013, para. 5). It is also recommended that credit cards are not shared with employees within the company. There are many advancements in technology that allow for reduced use of having to tote around an actual credit card, for example, bills can be paid in advance online (Beesley, 2013, para. 6). Along with online bill pay, e-statements have alsoShow MoreRelatedBusiness Finance3656 Words  | 15 Pagesmeasurements the management could take in preventing fraud in the business Organisation. Also I will complete a flowchart, using the document names and labels given and writing a brief description for each document. Lastly, will finish the assignment by evaluating the importance of managing business finances, the importance and usefulness of Cash Flow Forecasts including a definition of a cash-flow forecast, explaining the reasons why businesses prepare cash-flow forecasts. Furthermore the purposeRead MoreBusiness Intelligence ( Bi )3077 Words  | 13 Pagessimilar to the methods of Taylor, using structured internal data analysis. Small teams were secreted away in back rooms where they did their work. The purpose was for internal decision support. Many versions of 1.0 still exist, as many people still use spreadsheets for analytics. Then people started to hear about packages, and a companies that came out with some advanced techniques. However, only 6 to 7 percent of the businesses could use this software. Most of the tools were even using historicalRead MoreInternet Fraud2358 Words  | 10 Pageswere only a few and small communities using the Internet. Less than a million people were in the â€Å"online world†. Today, the Internet has become a very significant part of life for most people, especially in industrialized countries. There are now over 50 million people online. All kinds of information are available through the Internet at less cost or no cost at all. The Internet provides facts and ideas that are useful for the society, but the Internet is also a tool for fraud. The Internet â€Å"isRead MoreBernie Madoff Essay5927 Words  | 24 PagesThe Bernard Madoff’s Fraud How Madoff Executed the Fraud Madoff’s scheme to defraud his clients at Bernard Lawrence Madoff Investment Securities began as early as 1980 and lasted until its exposure in 2008. Bernard carried out this scheme by soliciting billions of dollars under false pretenses, failing to invest investors’ funds as promised, and misappropriating and converting investors’ funds to benefit Madoff, himself, and others without the knowledge or authority of the investors. To executeRead MoreBernard Madoff Case4602 Words  | 19 PagesHello Student, Before you start to do this paper, one of the first things you should note is that, it is always advisable to read and understand what is required of you; so that when conducting your research you will know what to look for. I have provided you with a list of references at the end of this solution for which you can read through them before your start your analysis. After reading through articles/journals etc. you should then next proceed to create an outline of your analysis. ByRead MoreIntroduction. Predictive Analytics Is Quantitative Analysis1371 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Predictive Analytics is quantitative analysis to support predictions. Predictions of for example - product sales, costs, headcount, metrics; customer churn; credit scoring; cross sell / up sell opportunities; market campaign response; anomalies, fraud. SAP Predictive Analytics is business intelligence software from SAP that is designed to enable organizations to analyze large data sets and predict future outcomes and behaviors. For example, SAP Predictive Analytics can help make sense of big dataRead MoreObjective of Financial Accounting2155 Words  | 9 Pagesof debtors and creditors as well as real accounts are kept, it is possible to prepare Balance Sheet. 4. The transactions being recorded in the most scientific and systematic way gives the most reliable information of business. 5. It prevents fraud by rendering any alteration in any account more difficult. 6. It enables the trader to compare the different items, such as sales, purchases, opening stock and closing stock of one period with similar items of preceding period and the trader mayRead MoreAccounts Receivable Audit Program6401 Words  | 26 Pagesaccounts, notes, or other receivables captions of the | |balance sheet: | | |General | |Description or | | |Ledger | |Brief PurposeRead MoreBernard Madoff Fraud3396 Words  | 14 Pagessecurities activities, which eventually turned into an enormous fraud of incomparable size. In this report, you will begin to understand how Bernard Madoff was able to execute such an elaborate fraud. The illegal business behavior found in this case is too numerous to count however, quite a few will be identified. In addition, the roles of the perpetrators, accomplices, and their involvement in this scheme will be made known. This fraud had such an enormous impact on the victims, we will examineRead MoreBernard Madoff Fraud3413 Words  | 14 Pagessecurities activities, which eventually turned into an enormous fraud of incomparable size. In this report, you will begin to understand how Bernard Madoff was able to execute such an elaborate fraud. The illegal business behavior found in this case is too numerous to count however, quite a few will be identified. In addition, the roles of the perpetrators, accomplices, and their involvement in this scheme will be made known. This fraud had such an enormous impact on the victims, we will examine
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Free Essays
Internet has developed the global among every thing in our life. In the last century, the world became smaller like a village. The users of the internet are increasing because of the interest for them from the free services. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet or any similar topic only for you Order Now The communities have knowledge and benefits from the internet; however, some of them are victims own to this international network. The internet has many benefits for the population especially the communication; such as social networks and E-mails. For instance, Face Book, Twitter, and Google let us to get in touch with each other by easy way from computers and mobiles. Furthermore, E-mail is the official technique to contact with the organizations, companies, and universities; for example, the students, who want to register in collage often send online request, to accept them. In addition, the internet has wise encyclopedia which contain any things the readers want to know. Even though, people have TVs and news paper, they prefer to follow the fresh news about politics and sports from the internet. Related article: The Other Side of Email Robert Kuttner Summary On the other hand, the victims are targets for hackers who steal private information across the online network. For example, fake websites to sell products to steal the MasterCard information. None the less, some users have anti-varies to protect their systems. Also, many people wise their time in the chat while they have spoken about no things. In my opinion, the internet is very important for me. By my side, I always study by watching lessons and reading from the internet. Also, I improve my skills from the internet. How to cite Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Innovation Management and Business Context †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Innovation Management and Business Context. Answer: Innovation is like a weapon to the entrepreneurs, which they use to bring new changes and represent those changes as opportunities for a prospering business in future (Crumpton, 2012). One of the commonest forms of innovation is bringing up a new product or launching a new service in the market (Onetti et al., 2012). Blossoms is a new concept with which the owners of the company want to hit the Australian market with Spanish flavour in different food items. It would generally introduce the Spanish tradition in the Australian market. The concept looks potentially appealing and so the organisational structure is; however, the real look out would be the extent up to which they deliver innovative ideas. A business can open up good and earn huge success in a very less span of time if it delivers on the predesigned organisational structure and uses innovative thoughts to bring changes, which are both competitive and profitable as well (Trimi Berbegal-Mirabent, 2012). The assignment has id entified innovation and entrepreneurship as a potential choice, which would bring competitive changes in the operation and would establish Blossoms as a successful, company (Kerr, 2013). The main purpose of this assignment is to analyse the impact of innovation and entrepreneurship on the business of the proposed company Blossoms. Business structure and strategy are interrelated to each other to some extent such as in the case of finalising a new business structure with the help of strategies. However, in broader terms those two might differ considerably. In some cases, strategy making might not produce any impact on the existing organisational structure (Bock et al., 2012). For example, incepting a new mean of marketing does not require a change in organisational structure if the organisation has adequate numbers of marketing personnel. However, both the strategy making and the organisational structure are entirely related to the term innovation. Innovation is the one most effective factor that encourages for a change, which can be either a major change or a minor one (Johnson, 2017). Entrepreneurship skills bring innovation, which has its high influence on the organisational structure and the strategies. The chosen organisation and the identified products to launch is a very good example of innovative though ts. Innovation encourages for doing something new; however, this is not entirely related to doing unique things all the time but it is rather doing things that are new to a specific company. For example, the newly proposed venture Blossoms would soon open up its restaurant in Australia. The Spanish flavours have been planned as offerings to the Australian customers. Themanagement has sensed the urgency of the venture, which is why they have planned an organisational structure that includes executive management, frontline associates, shift supervisors and chefs. This is a very good example of innovation, which themanagement has shows (Vaccaro et al., 2012). The organisational structure of the planned venture looks good, as it has smartly identified the required workforce for giving the proposed plan a good prospect. However, they should also hire an expert who would take care of the marketing stuffs. A proposed plan like this can create a good impact on the market prior to its openin g if it uses a suitable marketing communication mode. It is highly recommended for a new plan that it does a feasible marketing stuff to publicise the concept. This would help in generate a buzz for the concept, which can be highly advantageous if they come out with some good quality (De Mooij, 2013). The proposed organisational structure for Blossoms should also include a marketing expert who takes care of the required marketing stunt required for successfully launching the concept in the market. It is also necessary that the hired marketing personal select the most effective and the feasible marketing communication mode for the venture. The decision-making in this context would be influenced by the monetary benefits of the different communication modes and their appealing nature in the market. The use of innovation would in this context help to make the selection of an appropriate communication mode, which would be both feasible to the organisational budgetary capability and profitable as well for pronouncing their reputation in the market. The selection of an appropriate marketing communication mode relies heavily on the entrepreneurship quality of the marketing personal. Nevertheless, innovative thoughts would help the proposed venture develop entrepreneurship qualities in the m. To take the full advantage of innovative thoughts, it is necessary that entrepreneurs never restrict their thoughts for some controllable issues such as financial capability (Dawen, 2013). Numerous contextual factors are associated with the entrepreneurship those all have significant impacts on the organisational performance. Some of the contextual factors are but not limited to such as the firms industry nature, government policies, technology acquisition and surrounding culture. Government policies and surrounding cultures are external factors. All factors have their impact on the organisational structure and the strategy making. Government policies influence the business structure and the organisational strategies. Government policies such as the restrictions on the use of some kind of food ingredients that support obesity have its significant impact on the food making business. Companies under such obligation need to be health oriented while preparing their food. However, even in such circumstances entrepreneurs remain attached with the organisational vision by showing their utmost innovativeness in selecting the most suitable strategy (Bullough, Renko Myatt, 2014 ). Entrepreneurship would certainly help the proposed company in the food industry if any such obligation were imposed on its business. Surrounding culture does also influence the strategy making. The different food companies for example target customers based on their choice of foods. It is never feasible to offer Spanish foods to an Asian customer. They would rather prefer their regional food items. Food companies in particular use innovative thoughts by selecting the food menu that suits most the target customer. The proposed venture Blossoms would definitely need to hit the right taste for the Australian customers. Entrepreneurship here again would influence the strategy making for the proposed company. Technology acquisition is highly valuable in the contemporary business. It means adopting the technologies, which are high in potential. Such technologies create differences in the market competition. The rising demand for the use of e-commerce is one of such examples. Entrepreneurship would help the proposed venture to innovate with various technologies available in the market. This would also encourage them to u se the most feasible technology with the planned budget of the company (Morris et al., 2013). The mentioned contextual factors of entrepreneurship such as government policies, surrounding culture and technology acquisition influence the decision making as well. When some part of a business is taken under strict scrutiny of the local government, it is then necessary for the affected companies to take appropriate decisions to adhere the government policies. Using healthy vegetables in different fast foods such as burger is one of the examples of entrepreneurship. Such quality would also assist the performance of the proposed company as because it might face some challenge in terms of menu offered to the customers. Some customers might like the concept; however, many customers might not. In such cases, entrepreneurs would use their innovative skills to bring some changes that could match up with the masses. Technology acquisition is another very important factor that affects the decision-making. For example, few companies use the manual form of entering the necessary data such a s the sales record; however, some use CRM to enhance their sales and customer service capabilities. Some companies even go beyond the limit and use Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to get an utmost solution on sales performance and customer service (Schniederjans, Cao Ching Gu, 2012). However, the selection of software that is available in market depends entirely on the leadership quality of the firm. A small firm can never afford to have ERP because of its cost of purchasing. Entrepreneurs in such case show their utmost intelligence in identifying the most feasible technology, which is competitive as well as feasible with the organisational financial capabilities (Wingwon, 2012). Entrepreneurship is a position that produce creative ideas in leaders using which they redefine the market competition. Such leadership encourage for different innovative ideas, which develops a fighting capability with the surrounding situation. The chosen organisation in the context needs such entrepreneurship skills to foster their success chances with the proposed service concept. Entrepreneurship would encourage its leaders build up in them a fighting capability that does not fall short under any constraint. The proposed business concept of a new venture Blossoms would rely heavily on the strategic planning of its leaders. They are doing an experiment by introducing the Spanish foods to the Australian customers. It is then necessary to continuously monitor the customers responses and act accordingly. The entrepreneurs of the company would have responsibilities on their shoulder to understand the customers perspectives and then fulfilling the desires by using their utmost leaders hip qualities. They need to be innovative with different ideas. They need to be technologically oriented as well, which would include but not limited to such as showing viability to the most feasible technology. References Bock, A. J., Opsahl, T., George, G., Gann, D. M. (2012). The effects of culture and structure on strategic flexibility during business model innovation.Journal ofManagement Studies,49(2), 279-305. Bullough, A., Renko, M., Myatt, T. (2014). Danger zone entrepreneurs: The importance of resilience and self?efficacy for entrepreneurial intentions.Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,38(3), 473-499. Crumpton, M. A. (2012). Innovation and entrepreneurship.The Bottom Line,25(3), 98-101. Dawen, P. (2013). Thoughts and Practices on Cultivating Innovative Talents for Civil Engineering Specialty in Application-oriented Academies. In2012 First National Conference for Engineering Sciences (FNCES 2012). De Mooij, M. (2013).Global marketing and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes. Sage Publications. Johnson, G. (2017).Exploring strategy: text and cases. Pearson. Kerr, W. R. (2013).US high-skilled immigration, innovation, and entrepreneurship: Empirical approaches and evidence(No. w19377). National Bureau of Economic Research. Morris, M. H., Webb, J. W., Fu, J., Singhal, S. (2013). A Competency?Based Perspective on Entrepreneurship Education: Conceptual and Empirical Insights.Journal of Small Business Management,51(3), 352-369. Onetti, A., Zucchella, A., Jones, M. V., McDougall-Covin, P. P. (2012). Internationalization, innovation and entrepreneurship: business models for new technology-based firms.Journal of Management Governance,16(3), 337-368. Schniederjans, M. J., Cao, Q., Ching Gu, V. (2012). An operations management perspective on adopting customer-relations management (CRM) software.International Journal of Production Research,50(14), 3974-3987. Trimi, S., Berbegal-Mirabent, J. (2012). Business model innovation in entrepreneurship.International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal,8(4), 449-465. Vaccaro, I. G., Jansen, J. J., Van Den Bosch, F. A., Volberda, H. W. (2012). Management innovation and leadership: The moderating role of organizational size.Journal of Management Studies,49(1), 28-51. Wingwon, B. (2012). Effects of entrepreneurship, organization capability, strategic decision making and innovation toward the competitive advantage of SMEs enterprises.Journal of Management and Sustainability,2(1), 137.
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